Quotes From "Phd Engineering Success: The True Meaning Of Leadership And Team Building" By Dragos Bratasanu

We rely on our education, on our judgment and our intuition to make decisions, but sometimes we find ourselves in the most dangerous scenario we can be in as individuals or as team, when we don’t know that we don’t know but we believe we do know. Dragos Bratasanu
People who feel excluded get angry and act out their anger in the team. No man is an island, no person can function isolated from the group. When you create a team, any kind of team, inclusion is fundamental. Without every member feeling deeply that he or she belongs to that group there is no team. Dragos Bratasanu
Most people accept living unhappy lives because it is the only way they know, they refuse to be open to the new emerging possibilities and refuse to make positive changes. Because they are afraid of being outside their own comfort zone and don’t risk anything, they live lives that are far less fulfilling than they could actually have. Dragos Bratasanu
Social context trumps reason and social context drives your behaviors...
Social context trumps reason and social context drives your behaviors with an influence akin to an invisible force. We naturally adapt our behaviors to the context. Dragos Bratasanu
As humans, we unconsciously embrace the group’s beliefs and behaviors...
As humans, we unconsciously embrace the group’s beliefs and behaviors without questioning them or surrender to their opinions. Dragos Bratasanu
Failure opens the door to the most powerful lessons and...
Failure opens the door to the most powerful lessons and discoveries — but it does so only if you have the courage to accept reality and look failure in the eye. Dragos Bratasanu